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5 Signs of Poor IAQ in Alabaster, AL

Your home’s air quality in Alabaster, AL greatly impacts your overall health and the comfort of your home. Discover more about some telltale signs that your home has poor indoor air quality so you can create a plan to improve it.

1. Fatigue and Dizziness

Poor air quality can cause chronic fatigue and bouts of dizziness. Chemicals and air contaminants pollute the air in your home and cause your body to react negatively.

2. Respiratory Issues

The pollutants and allergens associated with poor indoor air quality can cause respiratory issues such as coughing, wheezing and sneezing. If these issues seem to increase the more you spend time at home, consider checking your home’s IAQ.

3. Dry Skin and Irritation

Poor air quality can also affect your skin. Living in a home with poor IAQ can lead to excessively dry skin that peels and flakes. If you already suffer from a skin condition, poor indoor air quality can make this condition worse.

4. Dust Buildup

An accumulation of dust on flat surfaces throughout your home, as well as near vents, is a good indication that you have poor indoor air quality. This dust contains various particles and pollutants that can be harmful to your body. Performing regular maintenance on your furnace might help alleviate this dust buildup in your home.

5. Frequent and Persistent Cold Symptoms

Poor IAQ can cause symptoms similar to the common cold. If you exhibit symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and irritated eyes, nose and throat for an extended period, you may not be fighting off a cold but rather dealing with poor air quality.

Because of the negative health consequences your home’s air quality can have on your body, it is important that you pay attention to this aspect of your home environment. Poor air quality can lead to fatigue, respiratory issues, dry skin, dust buildup and persistent cold symptoms. Give us a call at Airloc Heating and Cooling today to improve your home’s air quality.

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